

Professor Takuya Goto, the platform head, presented the research outcome in the MSILD Summer meeting of the Royal Society of Chemistry held at Churchill College, Cambridge, 8-10 August 2023.

The Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids Discussion Group (MSILDG) the Royal Society of Chemistry held its Summer Meeting at Churchill College, Cambridge, 8-10 August 2023. International researchers participate in this three-day meeting. Professor Takuya Goto, the platform head, presented “Oxygen electrode behavior of La1-xSrxFeO3-δ electrodes in molten LiCl-KCl,” which is the research outcome with his colleague Yuta Suzuki and Seiya Tanaka (assistant professors), Shunichi Kimura (Ph.D. student), and Takashi Fukumoto (graduate) at the Department of Environmental Systems Science.