

Doshisha University Carbon Recycle Technical Forum Symposium

We will have the “The Decarbonized Society Aimed by the 7th Strategic Energy Plan” symposium on March 7, 2025.

The Government of Japan released the 7th Strategic Energy Plan draft at the end of 2024. One of the most critical issues in Japan’s energy policy is achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. The Plan requires us to provide a concrete path to achieve this goal. In this context, new technologies related to carbon recycling are being implemented in society both in Japan and overseas. Therefore, this symposium will discuss technologies related to carbon recycling and surrounding circumstances, focusing on global trends, Japan, and regional trends centered on Kyoto.

Please see the flyer below for the symposium details.

Researchers discovered that combining ionic liquids electrolytes with metal hydroxides enables efficient electrochemical conversion of CO₂ to hydrocarbons

The electrochemical conversion of captured carbon dioxide into fuels and chemicals offers a sustainable approach to reduce emissions. However, traditional methods rely on complex electrode designs. Researchers from Doshisha University demonstrated a cost-effective approach using an ionic liquid combined with metal hydroxides as an electrolyte, enabling efficient conversion even on basic metal electrodes. With this electrolyte, they successfully produced propane and ethylene directly from CO₂ and H₂O, offering a cost-effective method for emissions reduction.

Saya Nozaki, Yuta Suzuki, Takuya Goto, Electrochemical synthesis of C₂ and C₃
hydrocarbons from CO₂ on an Ag electrode in DEME-BF4 containing H₂O and metal
hydroxides, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 493, 2024, 144431

For more details, please see the website of Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University
Research News: Efficient CO₂ Conversion to Fuels and Chemicals Using Ionic Liquid Electrolyte

This achievement has also been featured in the“EurekAlert!.”

Advancing Towards Sustainability: Turning Carbon Dioxide and Water into Acetylene

A research team led by Yuta Suzuki, Assistant Professor at Harris Science Research Institute and Takuya Goto, Professor at the Department of Science of Environment and Mathematical Modeling, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, develop an environmentally friendly method to electrochemically synthesize an essential industrial gas.
Acetylene is an essential precursor in the production of resins and plastics such as PVC, as well as a useful gas in many industrial processes. However, its synthesis requires fossil fuels, making it environmentally taxing. Now, Suzuki, Goto and their research team have developed an innovative electrochemical technique to produce acetylene using carbon dioxide and water as raw materials. This method could greatly reduce the carbon footprint of acetylene synthesis and contribute to sustainable carbon capture technologies.

The search for sustainable method to produce acetylene
Acetylene is widely used in across many industries, including the production of resins and plastics like PVC. Realizing an environmentally friendly technique to synthesize it would represent a massive step towards building sustainable societies.

Suzuki Y., Tanaka S., Watanabe T., Isogai T., Yamauchi A., Kishikawa Y., Goto T. New Route of Acetylene Synthesis via Electrochemical Formation of Metal Carbides from CO2 in Chloride Melts (2024) ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 12 (5), pp. 2110 – 2119.
DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.3c08139

For more details, please see the website of Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University.
[Research News] Advancing Towards Sustainability: Turning Carbon Dioxide and Water into Acetylene

This achievement has also been featured in the “EurekAlert!.”
NEWS RELEASE 27-MAR-2024, Advancing Towards Sustainability: Turning Carbon Dioxide and Water into Acetylene

Image Credit: Yuta Suzuki from Doshisha University, Japan
License type: CC BY